• Hermetikken vinbar

  • Ecosubsea

  • Beckerwyc House

  • ConcreteWall

  • Mirabelle by Ørjan Johannessen

  • Hermetikken restaurant

  • Energihotellet

  • Filip Bendi

  • Arkivet

  • Tom Haga

I design, code, illustrate, & write.

I edit, post, brand, & strategize.

kalstø, kari

I'm Kari Kalstø, a web designer with a Master's from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. I thrive on creating websites that stand out from the crowd. My mission? To capture each client's unique vibe by blending colors, text, and animation into a seamless, user-friendly experience. Every project is a new canvas for me. Whether you're an individual with a passion project or a business, big or small, ready to shine online.